Many countries celebrate Mother’s Day. In the United States, the holiday was imported from Britain by Julia Ward Howe, composer of the song ‘Battle Hymn of the Republic’, and was intended to unite women against war. She wrote in 1870 the Mother’s Day Proclamation calling for peace and disarmament.

Though she failed, Howe inspired Ann Jarvis to work for reconciliation between Union and Confederate soldiers. Her daughter Anna Jarvis began the crusade for a memorial day for women after her mother died in 1907.

In 1914, President Wilson declared the first national Mother’s Day, as a day for Americans to honor those mothers whose sons had died in war.

Mother’s Day is the most popular day of the year to dine out.

Tom Rickard writes the comic strip Brewster Rocket. Below is today’s Mother’s Day themed, science fiction themed, (no that’s not an error) comic strip. I thought it was very funny.